I bet you wont get less than 100%!!

Do you think you can get less that 100% on this? How about 0%? It’s impossible! Try if you wish, but you will get 100%! So maybe don’t take this. You can if you want to, though.

There is 1 way to cheat and get 0%, but the result you’d get would cover that. Anyway even if you choose the wrong answer your score will be added to, so I dare you to try not to get 100%.

Created by: rubyember2213
  1. 15
  2. Who came first: the egg or the chicken?
  3. Are you human?
  4. What was question 5?
  5. Spell CAT.
  6. Meow, we’re talking about cats now.
  7. AAH! (Sorry ninja cats tried to break in)
  8. Welp ...they left so choose your fate.
  9. This just has random questions ya know? They will all give the same answer lol, so choose your favorite question impression (The impression of 15 is 14151617181920)
  10. Anyway Goodbye!

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