Issues Quizzes
This is a category for quizzes on issues that are debated in society, and which often become political. A wide range of topics may be covered, and we hope to add more. You can view our current collection of issues quizzes below.
Church-State Relations Quizzes
- The Founding Fathers on Church-State Separation[by: No More Mr. Nice Guy!, rated: 2.56rated: 2.56/5, published: Feb 3, 2007]
Most Americans think the United States was founded as a Christian nation, and that only in recent years have "activist judges" started reinterpreting the…
Disaster Preparedness Quizzes
- Radiation Emergency Skills Quiz[by: Lucas Whitefield Hixson, rated: 2.97rated: 2.97/5, published: May 22, 2011]
Are you prepared for a nuclear emergency? Take this quiz to rate your readiness for a radiation exposure event.
- Would you survive in the wild?[by: Richard Beale, rated: 2.97rated: 2.97/5, published: Jan 11, 2011]
Have you ever wondered if you could survive out in true wilderness? You will be quizzed on the survival knowledge and skills you'd need.
Environment Quizzes
Find them on our Environment page.
Health Quizzes
- Where Do You Stand on Healthcare?[by: genebeed, rated: 3.93rated: 3.93/5, published: Nov 3, 2017]
Healthcare dominates the headlines. Pundits gloat over single payer, repeal and replace, bipartisan repair, and blowing up the whole insurance system. People…
- What do you know about teen obesity (a bust tha gut quiz)[by: Alisha, rated: 2.54rated: 2.54/5, published: Dec 8, 2007]
There are many over weight teens and adolescents in the U. S. So I made a website for them to go it has plenty of health facts and tips on losing weight and…
Race & Religion Quizzes
- Test on Social Justice, Race Relations, and More[by: Marge, rated: 2.59rated: 2.59/5, published: Dec 13, 2015]
Take this practice test, which has questions on social justice and society, interracial issues, minority vs majority, and so on.
- White Privilege Quiz[by: Easton, rated: 1.67rated: 1.67/5, published: Sep 23, 2014]
Welcome to this quiz. The quiz is about how white privileged you are. Answer the questions truthfully and you'll see your results at the end of the quiz.
Terrorism Quizzes
- Do You Want the Terrorists to Win?[by: Jack Sparrow, rated: 2.75rated: 2.75/5, published: Jul 26, 2006]
America is caught in a time of great crisis. Never before has she faced such a menacing threat to the freedoms she upholds. Terrorists swarm around her on…
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