Babysitting Quizzes
Quizzes with a focus on caring for other people's kids. What does it take to be a good babysitter? You may be looking for one, or want to BE one. Either way, you're in the right place.
Our Babysitting Quizzes
- Could You Survive Babysitting?[by: Slothgirl84, rated: 4.38rated: 4.38/5, published: Mar 1, 2022]
You are going to be babysitting two kids for a whole day--nine year old Adam and six year old Samantha. Their parents are going on a trip to Washington, D.C.,…
- Are You a Good Babysitter? A quiz in story form.[by: Adora Hostetler, rated: 4.38rated: 4.38/5, published: Aug 21, 2020]
One day, you are reading a book when the phone rings. "Hello?" you say. A lady at the other end answers. "Hi," she says. "I've heard about you. Will you mind…
- Would You Survive Babysitting?[by: Anonymous, rated: 4.38rated: 4.38/5, published: Feb 2, 2022]
This quiz is about if you can survive babysitting the Finleys, which you've never babysat before. You are babysitting two kids: a girl and a boy. The girls'…
- Should you Babysit?[by: Anonymous, rated: 4.35rated: 4.35/5, published: Nov 11, 2019]
This fun quiz show you if you are babysitter material and includes tips for those getting ready to babysit. What is your babysitting score?
- Should you be a babysitter?[by: Adriana, rated: 4.23rated: 4.23/5, published: Feb 2, 2018]
You probably remember, when you were younger, someone babysitting you. What is a babysitter? A babysitter can be a girl, boy, woman, man, or child who watches…
- Are YOU A Good Babysitter[by: Christy, rated: 4.22rated: 4.22/5, published: Apr 9, 2019]
Do you have what it takes to be a babysitter? Do you know how to care for a toddler? Do you know how safe kids should be? Can you babysit for kids? I hope so!
- Are you ready to babysit?[by: Louise, rated: 4.06rated: 4.06/5, published: Oct 4, 2013]
I am a certified child expert and I promise you will have the most accurate results on how good of a sitter are of ANY possible quiz you could take!!
- Are you ready to babysit?[by: pinkjumper, rated: 3.85rated: 3.85/5, published: Oct 18, 2010]
Babysitting is an important job. Do you have what it takes to babysit effectively? See what level you are when it comes to babysitting children.
- This is a babysitting quiz.[by: Ava, rated: 3.75rated: 3.75/5, published: Apr 29, 2021]
This quiz walks you through a babysitting scenario, asking questions along the way. Do you know the right answers to succeed at babysitting?
- How Qualified Are You to Babysit?[by: Liz, rated: 3.42rated: 3.42/5, published: Jul 2, 2009]
Are you a good enough babysitter? Do you actually qualify or are you 3 steps behind? Maybe you're not as good as you thought you were or maybe you're even…
- Is Your Child Responsible And Mature Enough To Babysit?[by: Ashley Bagley Swango, rated: 3.31rated: 3.31/5, published: Nov 8, 2019]
Take a walk-through of a realistic babysitting scenario. How would you handle these situations?
- Are You/would You Be a Good Babysitter?[by: Ally, rated: 3.15rated: 3.15/5, published: Aug 28, 2011]
Have you ever wondered if you would be a good babysitter? Do you think the children you babysit do not like you? I babysit children all the time(mostly 3 to…
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