Mood Quizzes
This category contains quizzes related toward mood or affective disorders, which means a persistent or episodic exaggeration of mood state. No quiz can give a real medical diagnosis, so please see your medical provider if you are concerned.
Our Mood Quizzes
- What Type of Depressed Are You?[by: LOL99, rated: 4.15rated: 4.15/5, published: Aug 21, 2014]
Depression is often called the common cold of mental illness. This quiz cannot be used to accurately diagnose a mental disorder, however symptoms *are* based…
- Do you have major depressive disorder?[by: Quicksilver VIII, rated: 3.83rated: 3.83/5, published: Jul 19, 2018]
Major depressive disorder is a common mental illness that affects millions of people each year. It is also one of the most debilitating mental illnesses, and…
- How Suicidical Are You?[by: Karolien, rated: 3.38rated: 3.38/5, published: Jul 16, 2006]
Lots of people say: i want to die ore my life sucks! but.. do they mean it ( you better find out, cause when they mean it you gotta help them with feeling…
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