Hypochondria Quizzes
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- Health
- Mental Health
- Hypochondria
This is our quiz listing page for Hypochondria, a mental health condition resulting in extreme anxiety over one's own health. A newer variant is termed "cyberhondria", which involves obsessively searching the web for medical symptoms and becoming convinced of one's own illness. Please find our hypochondria quizzes below. No quiz provides a true medical diagnosis.
Our Hypochondria Quizzes
- How GERMAPHOBIC are you?[by: Q, rated: 3.73rated: 3.73/5, published: Apr 28, 2007]
We all like to keep clean, for the most part. But, there are some who go overboard...these cleanliness ninjas are known commonly as: GERMAPHOBES. You can find…
- Are You a Hypochondriac?[by: Kirsty, rated: 3.18rated: 3.18/5, published: Sep 7, 2006]
There are many people in this world who seem like a hypochondriac, but few true hypochondriacs. What is a Hypochondriac? Check the dictionary, take this…
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