How Baji Keisuke Are You?

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Are you Baji Keisuke from Tokyo Revengers? Come check out this quiz to find out who you stand against this fine man, and make sure to get all your choices correct!

Baji Keisuke is a ravaging Toman and Valhalla member from Tokyo Revengers who'd do anything for his loved ones, could you resemble him? Let's find out with this quiz!

Created by: pomegranate14
  1. Is writing and reading hard for you to learn?
  2. Do you have tendencies to just start a riot sometimes?
  3. Are you loyal towards friends and loved ones?
  4. You need to join a gang in order to save your loved ones, even if that means betraying their friendship in order to keep them safe, would you do it?
  5. What is your preferred weapon of choice if nothing is at reach?
  6. What is your personality?
  7. On a scale of 1-10, how big are your acting skills?
  8. Do you like simmered food?
  9. How would you describe your love?
  10. Who do you fear the most?
  11. What is your usual facial expression?
  12. How much is your strength?
  13. Do you often get on fights?
  14. Who are you as a person?
  15. And finally, favorite type of music?

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Quiz topic: How Baji Keisuke am I?
