Vermont Quizzes
Vermont is a small US state in New England, bordering Canada, and known for maple syrup and idyllic nature. Can you demonstrate your understanding of Vermont? This category contains our best Vermont quizzes, so please have a look.
Our Vermont Quizzes
- How Southern Vermont Are You?[by: Nate Farrell, rated: 3.07rated: 3.07/5, published: Sep 13, 2006]
This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of southern Vermont, mostly Manchester and the surrounding areas. So conjure up those memories of sitting on a…
- How Montpeculiar Are You?[by: Morgan W. brown, rated: 3.04rated: 3.04/5, published: Mar 23, 2007]
There are many smart people, but few true geniuses. Genius is, after all, quite exceptional. What is a genius? For example, what and how much do you think you…
- Are You A Real Vermonter[by: Bill, rated: 2.92rated: 2.92/5, published: Mar 11, 2007]
Real Vermonters love their state, as do many "wanna-be Vermonters." It takes a strong person to make it in Vermont, and it takes a strong knowledge of the…
- How Vermont are you?[by: Korky, rated: 2.79rated: 2.79/5, published: May 5, 2007]
Most people know Vermont for Howard Dean, civil unions, maple syrup, and skiing. What kind of a Vermonter are you? Are you the yuppie, BMW, frappucino…
- How Vermont are you?[by: S, rated: 2.75rated: 2.75/5, published: Aug 16, 2006]
Are you from Vermont? Do you get excited about snow storms? Does fake maple syrup gross you out? Do you know why it's a bad idea to swim in Lake Champlain…
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