Idaho Quizzes
Idaho is a US state in the Pacific Northwest, though it lacks a coastline. Idaho is dominated by agriculture, ranching, and forestry. Do you think you know Idaho? Try our quizzes below.
Our Idaho Quizzes
- How Idaho Are You?[by: Jarrod, rated: 3.22rated: 3.22/5, published: Jun 2, 2008]
Many people claim to be from one state or another, but can you claim to be from Idaho? Not to many people know that Idaho exists, let alone locate it on a…
- State of Idaho Quiz[by: Susan, rated: 3.14rated: 3.14/5, published: Jan 27, 2007]
This quiz is for anyone who knows Idaho, or thinks they know Idaho, and for transplant Idahoans who want to know more about Idaho. Test your skills in the…
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