Beatles Quizzes
How big a Beatles fan are you? Think you are more of a John than a Paul? Maybe a George, or Ringo? The impact of the Beatles on rock and pop music cannot be over-stated. We are proud to host quizzes on this legendary band.
Our Beatles Quizzes
- Which Beatle are you?[by: jamie, rated: 3.99rated: 3.99/5, published: Feb 3, 2010]
This is a simple personality test, obviously it says it in the title. The Beatles were one of the best bands ever, but each had different personalities.
- Which Beatle are you most like?[by: Kellen, rated: 3.66rated: 3.66/5, published: Mar 20, 2011]
There are many Beatles fans, and they often have a favorite Beatle. But you might actually be LIKE one of the Beatles! You could get one you never even…
- Which Beatle would be your best friend?[by: Peyton, rated: 4.48rated: 4.48/5, published: Jan 1, 2016]
Each Beatle has a different personality. But I have set up a quiz that matches you personalities with another Beatle to which one would be your best friend!
- Which Beatle Would Fall For You?[by: xLucyDx, rated: 4.27rated: 4.27/5, published: Oct 15, 2011]
*IMPORTANT! READ FIRST! BEFORE TAKING QUIZ!* Hi guys! Okay, you won't believe this but... THIS is the First "Which Beatle Would Fall For You Quiz" In The…
- Which Beatles song are you?[by: Tara, rated: 3.57rated: 3.57/5, published: Feb 15, 2007]
The ideals of peace and love have shaped generations, and no one has advocated these virtues more than the Beatles. The Beatles are credited with being the…
- Which Beatle are you?[by: Ezrie, rated: 4.8rated: 4.8/5, published: Dec 9, 2019]
The beatles are the worlds greatest band and is made up of pretty diverse personalities. Have you ever wondered what they were like and which one you are most…
- Do You Know The Beatles?[by: Paul, rated: 4.34rated: 4.34/5, published: Aug 9, 2010]
There are of course numerous Beatles fans out there in the world that know quite a bit about the Fab Four and I want to see how many people out there are…
- Which Member Of The Beatles Are You?[by: kevin, rated: 3.48rated: 3.48/5, published: Mar 11, 2007]
Which Beatle are you? The leader John Lennon, the semi-leader Paul McCartney, the goofy Ringo Starr, or the quiet George Harrison. This quiz will help you…
- Which Beatles Are You?[by: Gunky Boy, rated: 3.24rated: 3.24/5, published: Apr 5, 2008]
The Beatles were the greatest band of all time, partly because each of them had a different personality and brought something completely unique to the band.
- Are you a real Beatles' fan?[by: Alex, rated: 3rated: 3/5, published: May 28, 2021]
Do you like the Beatles? Well, if you do, you might wanna take this quiz and find out exactly how much you know about them. I know I passed. Will you?
- How much of a Beatles Fan are you?[by: Adam, rated: 3rated: 3/5, published: Nov 16, 2006]
The Beatles were arguably the most important rock band in history. There is a cornucopia of knowledge concerning them, and very few know all of it. The impact…
- The Beatles Lyrics Test[by: Blackbird, rated: 2.88rated: 2.88/5, published: Jun 29, 2010]
The Beatles are the greatest band of all time with John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. They've written classic songs like (next…
- How much do you know about the Beatles?[by: Madison, rated: 2.8rated: 2.8/5, published: Jan 3, 2007]
"A genius is able to see the world through an entirely novel point of view." That is what The Beatles did. This quiz is to see how much you know about them.
- Beatles at the Movies[by: Jillian, rated: 2.71rated: 2.71/5, published: Jul 7, 2015]
The history of The Beatles seems almost limitless. From their songs, to their sound, to their influence... the list goes on and on. The Beatles also dabbled…
- How well do you know The Beatles?[by: Comex, rated: 2.4rated: 2.4/5, published: Apr 3, 2016]
The Beatles were an inspirational band, widely regarded as the best band in the world. They changed music in many ways, and their innovation and creativity…
- Match The Statement With The Beatle[by: Nunya, rated: 0rated: 0/5, published: Sep 24, 2021]
Anyone who has not heard of The Beatles is probably living under a rock. But they have lives, and they are famous for other things and not just their band.
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