Are you a real Beatles' fan?

Do you like the Beatles? Well, if you do, you might wanna take this quiz and find out exactly how much you know about them. I know I passed. Will you?

It's not too hard really, just basic Beatles knowledge with a couple questions about John Lennon's personal life mixed in, like how many times has he been married? Spoiler: It's 2

Created by: Alex
  1. Who is Sergeant Peppers?
  2. Who is John Lennon's wife?
  3. Fill the blank: She loves you ____________
  4. Who plays the drums in the Beatles?
  5. Which album is the one with the crosswalk on it? Like the one that has the cover art of the guys walking across the road on this crosswalk?
  6. Fill the blank: I read the news ______
  7. Was Ringo Starr the only drummer that the Beatles ever had?
  8. Fill the blank: Woke up, got out of ______, dragged a _______ across my ______.
  9. Did John Lennon have any children?
  10. Was there ever any drug use in the band?
  11. Is John Lennon still alive?

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Quiz topic: Am I a real Beatles' fan?
