Music Education Quizzes
Quizzes in this category are about musical instruction, theory, and methods for learning. Are you studying an instrument? Hoping to learn more about how to read and play music?
Our Music Quiz List
- How well do you know music theory?[by: DoodleDistrict, rated: 5rated: 5/5, published: Jul 5, 2018]
After rediscovering this website, remembering fondly how many times I'd stayed up until 11:30 finding out what color I was or what Pokemon I was, I decided to…
- How much music theory do you know?[by: Looksharpstaysmart, rated: 4.44rated: 4.44/5, published: Jul 4, 2018]
Test yourself on music theory, with 20 questions on chords, scales, chord functions, and meters. Can you pass?
- Music Theory Quiz[by: Farsnworth Swargleheimer, rated: 3.02rated: 3.02/5, published: Mar 8, 2013]
This is a test of real music theory knowledge, and not a test of whether you know all the latest rad guitarists or can name the hits of the hip-hop artists in…
- How Well Do You Know Basic Music Theory?[by: Tariq, rated: 3rated: 3/5, published: Nov 1, 2015]
We all listen to and enjoy music. But do you know the foundations of music theory?
- Musical History-Overview (Hard)[by: Kakipi, rated: 2.99rated: 2.99/5, published: Aug 23, 2009]
For those who play an instrument and are very advanced in level, I present to you this EXTREMELY LONG ( Seriously.) quiz on composers from the Baroque era to…
- Music Chords Quiz[by: Kaips, rated: 2.83rated: 2.83/5, published: Jul 8, 2013]
Please read the Directions carefully. This test will test your knowledge on music chords and some theory. A lot of it was gone over in class. If you payed…
- 7th/8th Grade Music Test - Music in My World[by: Mrs. Thomas, rated: 2.81rated: 2.81/5, published: Oct 16, 2007]
This is Mrs. Thomas' actual test given in first quarter 2007 to her junior high music classes. Are you smarter than a junior high general music student?
- What's Your Music IQ[by: Anna, rated: 0rated: 0/5, published: Jul 24, 2021]
This is just for fun. Some random questions off the top of my head while I try to recover from post-vaccine fever/chills. See how you do! I tried to make sure…
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