Instrument Quizzes
This is our category for quizzes about specific instruments and their families. Do you know a lot about a particular instrument? Create your own quiz here!
Our Instruments Quizzes
- Which Instrument do you Play? (based on personality)[by: Jue Animation, rated: 3.92rated: 3.92/5, published: Mar 28, 2021]
After having spent many years in band programs I am well acquainted with the types of personalities that come with each instrument. Which stereotype do you fit?
- What Rock Instrument Are You?[by: PishPosh, rated: 3.58rated: 3.58/5, published: Jun 18, 2010]
Do you like rock music? Have you ever imagined yourself as a Rock Star? Do you drink Rock Star energy drinks? Okay, this quiz has nothing to do with…
- What Musical Instrument are You?[by: Elaine, rated: 3.5rated: 3.5/5, published: Aug 17, 2014]
We are all part of a concert every day, interacting with each other to compose a sound like no other. What musical instrument are you playing and how…
- Which Musical Instrument Are You?[by: The G-Strings, rated: 3.47rated: 3.47/5, published: Apr 28, 2007]
Have you ever wondered what you would be if you were a musical instrument? Are you a tuba, or is the flute more your style? Should you be playing the piano,…
- What instrument should you play?[by: Brent, rated: 3.38rated: 3.38/5, published: Aug 31, 2009]
Instruments started at the dawn of time and have evolved through the years. There are so many that you could choose from. Since there are so many instruments…
- What Orchestral Instrument are you?[by: Susan Speicher, rated: 3.38rated: 3.38/5, published: Jun 25, 2012]
Just as it takes many personalities to make up the world, It takes many different instruments to make up an orchestra. If there are only violins, or only…
- Does Your Personality Match Your Instrument?[by: bahamet234, rated: 3.37rated: 3.37/5, published: Aug 8, 2007]
There are an array of instruments out there. And with every instrument, there is a personality that goes with it. Usually, if you know what someone plays, you…
- What musical instrument are you?[by: maddie, rated: 3.23rated: 3.23/5, published: Oct 10, 2010]
People listen to music. All the time. Ever wondered what instrument you might be? Well then this is the quiz for you. I have picked 6 popular instruments and…
- What instrument would you play in a highschool band?[by: cochinlover108, rated: 2.94rated: 2.94/5, published: Feb 2, 2015]
BAND. Are you a band geek? Well, if you are about to take this quiz, you probably are, but that's okay! Because am a band geek to! Band is a fabulous thing,…
- Which musical instrument are you?[by: Bill Wabs, rated: 2.85rated: 2.85/5, published: Feb 19, 2014]
What musical instrument are you.... in a famous band? knowing this can start up your music career but no promises. You may think some of the questions are…
- What's Your Favorite Instrument?[by: Patrick, rated: 2.66rated: 2.66/5, published: Feb 25, 2015]
Musical instruments are important to society. If you want to see how big of a part you are to society and or see what instrument you have do this quiz.
Keyboard Quizzes
- Is Your Child Ready for Piano Lessons?[by: Kimberly Wong, rated: 4.5rated: 4.5/5, published: Feb 10, 2019]
Piano Lessons have incredible benefits to children, including enhanced early development of motor skills and cognitive skills (such as memorization, math, and…
- How experienced are you with classical piano?[by: Caleb, rated: 3.92rated: 3.92/5, published: Nov 24, 2018]
This is a quiz that tests your knowledge of classical piano and your capabilities as a performer. It quizzes your experience with major piano composers and…
- Can you be a professional pianist?[by: Drew Kelly, rated: 3.1rated: 3.1/5, published: Jun 24, 2008]
Those who have heard piano music have instantly loved it. It warms the soul and is included in almost all modern compositions. It would be great to be able…
Stringed Quizzes
Find them on our Stringed page.
Winds Quizzes
- Never Have I Ever (Clarinet Edition)[by: grimmchild, rated: 4.8rated: 4.8/5, published: Oct 5, 2023]
Let's play Never Have I Ever! Only take this if you play clarinet. Be honest if you want an accurate result. I might also guess your skill level as part of…
- Which Clarinetist are you?[by: Sean Osborn, rated: 3.6rated: 3.6/5, published: Aug 26, 2008]
There are a lot of great clarinetists active in music today, and they owe a debt to clarinetists and composers of the past. I have chosen just a few modern…
- Which wind instrument are you[by: lovemusicloveclarinet, rated: 3.31rated: 3.31/5, published: Jun 16, 2014]
This quiz is about which wind I stringent fits your personality. Be it which one you should play or if you just want to know what you'd be if you were a wind…
- What Type Of Clarinet Are You[by: Araminta, rated: 2.83rated: 2.83/5, published: Jun 30, 2009]
Hey wassup , do you know the instrument that squidward plays? That's right the clarinet. Many people have heard of the clarinet, but never heard of the…
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