Harry Potter Wand Quizzes
The wand is an essential element within the wizarding world of Harry Potter. Every wizard needs a wand, after all. And it must be the right wand to fit the student. Want to know what type of wand you'd have? Look at our quizzes below.
Our Wands Quizzes
- What is your Wizarding World wands wood type?[by: Severus Snape7, rated: 4.28rated: 4.28/5, published: Dec 26, 2020]
You’ve arrived at hogwarts, you have bought everything on the list and all you need is a wand. Here’s my quiz for you to find the perfect wand that chooses…
- Which Wand Chooses You (Harry Potter)?[by: Kish, rated: 4.13rated: 4.13/5, published: Sep 26, 2020]
All credits go to (of course) J K Rowling for creating one of the best stories and movies we will ever know, the infamous Harry Potter series. Lets put…
- Ollivanders Bespoke Wand Selector[by: Redwood, rated: 4.07rated: 4.07/5, published: Jan 8, 2016]
This quiz will craft for you a custom wand ideally suited for you. Thirteen questions are all it takes.
- Which wand core would you do best with?[by: Lily, rated: 4.04rated: 4.04/5, published: Jun 26, 2015]
You got your acceptance letter to Hogwarts! You are being taken to Ollivander's wand shop in Diagon Alley. You can't wait to find out what wand core you'll…
- What Harry Potter Wand Are You?[by: A.J., rated: 3.82rated: 3.82/5, published: Jun 25, 2007]
Ever wondered what kind of wand you would get if you weren't a Muggle? Me too. So I created this quiz, and matched up personalities with types of wood, wand…
- The Wand Chooses the Wizard[by: MidnightAuror, rated: 3.79rated: 3.79/5, published: Oct 27, 2015]
Are you a witch or wizard from my generation that never made it to Hogwarts due to the loss of so many Muggle-Born or Half Blood records? Then this quiz was…
- Harry Potter - Discover Your Foreign Wand Core[by: Graham, rated: 3.63rated: 3.63/5, published: May 27, 2010]
OK, you know your wand wood and perhaps your core from Ollivander - but have you wondered what your core would be if you came from a foreign land and…
- Harry Potter - What Does Your Wand Look Like?[by: Graham, rated: 3.26rated: 3.26/5, published: Aug 30, 2010]
OK, you've found the wood and/core of your wand (unless you haven't tried out my other quizzes), now it's time to find out what your wand LOOKS like.
- Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC[by: Gryffindor, rated: 3.25rated: 3.25/5, published: Oct 4, 2015]
Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC, sounds great, right? Wands are actually a tool for potions, transfiguration, or perhaps charms. It is…
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