Comic Strips Quizzes
This category is for comics and cartoons that appear in a strip format (that is, a small series of panels) or as a single panel. Newspaper comics belong in this category. So do many Web comics, if they appear as a regularly updated series of small episodes under a single title, rather than separate comics stories.
Our Comic Strips Quizzes
- Which Calvin and Hobbes character are you?[by: Awesomeness!!!!!!, rated: 3.77rated: 3.77/5, published: Jan 1, 2017]
Have you ever wondered what Calvin and Hobbes character you are? If so, I have too. This honest and completely free from vile words quiz will give you the…
- How well do you know Calvin and Hobbes?[by: amazon, rated: 3.67rated: 3.67/5, published: Apr 16, 2008]
For those of you who don't know, Calvin and Hobbes is a comic strip about a boy and his toy tiger. However, if you didn't know that, you probably shouldn't be…
- Are You a True Garfield Fan?[by: Daniel Jackson, rated: 3rated: 3/5, published: Jun 11, 2009]
Hello fellow Garfield lovers! This is a 13 question quiz showing if you really are a True Garfield fan. If you love Garfield. You're in the right place. Come…
- How well do you know Garfield?[by: comicboy72, rated: 2.88rated: 2.88/5, published: Apr 10, 2009]
Comics... their everywhere. But this comic is a test. Show how well you know Garfield and become a Garfield master! No cheating you people who refer back to…
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