Clothing Quizzes
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The cave people wore furs, Adam and Eve wore fig leaves, and at some point in time, someone realized they could market their skills by selling garments. For modesty's sake, we hope you'll find something appealing here.
Our Clothing Quizzes
- What kind of sweater are you, like, spiritually?[by: Pearlflight, rated: 4.13rated: 4.13/5, published: Jul 28, 2018]
Hoodies, turtlenecks, pullovers...sweaters are a beautiful thing. Soft, warm, and cozy, they always have our backs. Are you like me, waiting all the rest of…
- What should you wear?[by: QuizMaster123, rated: 4.08rated: 4.08/5, published: Jan 15, 2020]
Welcome to my quiz! Have you ever just not known what to wear? If so, this quiz is meant for you! The results you can get are a comfy, fancy, athletic,…
- What Should You Wear Tomorrow?[by: Madaline, rated: 3.61rated: 3.61/5, published: Aug 28, 2012]
Clothes cause great dilemmas in our society today for many people. I have created this quiz to help those fashion thirsty people in this world. Remember,…
- What do Your Jeans Say about You???[by: Olivia, rated: 3.7rated: 3.7/5, published: Aug 15, 2008]
Jeans are a staple of most wardrobes. They're just so easy. No hassle putting together an outfit, and--if you know where to shop--you'll still look great.
- What is your perfect pair of pants?[by: Isadora, rated: 3.68rated: 3.68/5, published: Nov 28, 2010]
Ever have trouble picking out what pair of pants you want to wear in the morning? I know that their is a pair of pants out there for everybody, and I made…
- What should you wear to school tomorrow (girls)?[by: callie, rated: 3.31rated: 3.31/5, published: Jan 17, 2011]
You all know those days when you're standing face to face with your millions of clothes going: "I have nothing to wear!" Well maybe I could just suggest an…
- What's Your Perfect Outfit?[by: Deborah, rated: 3.22rated: 3.22/5, published: Feb 3, 2008]
Ever wondered if you really belong in those Prada boots? That Gucci bag? Or are you more of a jeans-and-tee gal? Maybe you like sweats and fun tops. Perhaps…
- What kind of sock are YOU??[by: Eixel Redloh, rated: 3.11rated: 3.11/5, published: Jul 27, 2008]
All throughout history people have gotten terrible, red, puffy blisters that have rendered them immobile, so they invented socks! Soon socks became diverse…
- What kind of jeans should you wear?[by: Kenz, rated: 3.09rated: 3.09/5, published: Feb 19, 2012]
The models on the jeans ads lie. Every person is different, therefore, they should wear different jeans to reflect their personalities.
- What's Your Swimsuit Style?[by: Brianna, rated: 3.03rated: 3.03/5, published: Jun 23, 2008]
It's summer, it's hot, and what better thing to do then go to the beach? But do you really know what type of style for a bathing suit is best for you?…
- What Kind Of Clothing Article Are You?[by: sahara, rated: 2.98rated: 2.98/5, published: Oct 7, 2007]
There are may different types of people. In this quiz, your personality will be compared to a clothing article of some kind. Some people act like shoes, some…
- I can guess what color shirt you're wearing!!!!!!![by: thestralblade, rated: 2.92rated: 2.92/5, published: Jan 25, 2014]
This quiz is an experiment. It will test my ability to know things others find hard to know. Okay, maybe not all my ability, but this quiz's ability. Take…
- What Should I Wear Today?[by: Niami, rated: 2.8rated: 2.8/5, published: Nov 20, 2011]
Do you ever wake up and have no clue what to wear? Well you've come to the right person. You can take my test the night before you where it or the morning…
- The Perfect Fit Quiz[by: Joanna, rated: 2.71rated: 2.71/5, published: Sep 18, 2008]
These days many women have a difficult time finding the right pair of jeans. Problems with fit, wash, and cut are problems we all face. This short Quiz is…
- Do You Dress for Success?[by: Ballard Mer Ross, rated: 2.63rated: 2.63/5, published: Mar 25, 2009]
"Do You Dress for Success?" What do you do when you get a call to attend a party? What colour is important to you on a night out? Being pretty isn't the…
- Where Should You Buy Your Clothes?[by: Erika, rated: 2.44rated: 2.44/5, published: Feb 12, 2011]
If you're having clothes problems, take this test and see where you should shop for clothes. If you don't' want to know, why are you reading this?
- What Pajamas Are You?[by: Kathryn, rated: 2.37rated: 2.37/5, published: Dec 2, 2006]
There are many people who dress like there personalities when they are going to bed. Dressing in your pjs trying to match your personalities are people who…
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