Hobbies Quizzes
Our list of hobby quizzes is just beginning to grow. If you have a hobby that you are an expert on, create a quiz about it, and it could end up here on our hobbies page!
Our Hobbies Quizzes
- What hobby should you have?[by: annafrozen12, rated: 3.53rated: 3.53/5, published: Jan 5, 2017]
Have you ever wanted to have a hobby but couldn't decide on one? Take this quiz to find a hobby that is perfectly suited to you and your interests. Answer…
- What hobby/activity should you do?[by: soccergurl14, rated: 3.29rated: 3.29/5, published: Apr 7, 2012]
Are you pondering, wondering and thinking about what kind of hobby or after-school activity you should do? Well, ah! My friend, you should ponder, wonder and…
- What Hobby Is Best For You?[by: Pathbreeze, rated: 2.85rated: 2.85/5, published: Jul 20, 2013]
Have you ever wondered what you should do when you're bored? Should you go to the pool, play the piano, sketch a cat, make a paper bird, read a book, practice…
- What Type Of Thing Are You Interested In?[by: Shimmers, rated: 2.74rated: 2.74/5, published: Aug 30, 2014]
There are so many things that you can go for in life, but there is only one thing that would suit you the most! The title, "What Type Of Thing Are You…
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