How much are you like me?

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Hello humans! Welcome to my quiz! In here, you'll find out how similar you are to me, and if we'd get along if we met IRL. Keep in mind that this is just a fun thing I wanted to do, and don't get riled up by your results.

Thats...basically all I have to say! Well, have fun with the quiz! hehehehe ^^ um, ok so apparently this paragraph has to have 150 words so um dfcvjghbj :)

Created by: Skittlez_r_yummy
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Okay...favorite time of day?
  3. What's your nationality?
  4. You've suddenly got a free weekend. Do you:
  5. Choose an animated TV series from these (Pt.1)
  6. Choose an animated TV series from these(Pt.2)
  7. Choose an author
  8. Choose a sport
  9. Choose a music genre
  10. Mood today?(Doesn't affect answers!)
  11. What type of smily face?
  12. Choose a fashion style
  13. Choose a singer
  14. Last Question!Choose a type of weather

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Quiz topic: How much am I like me?
