How you are going to die!

This quiz !!!!! Is not fully real it’s for entertainment or if your board you can feel free to play this quiz! Even tho death is a bad subject..........

If you want you can share this link with friends and family I’ll be making more to know that these are my quizzes I’ll be putting a name on this box your reading now my quizz name birdy11

Created by: Birdy11 of
(your link here more info)
  1. Do u get sick a lot ??
  2. Are you clumsy ?
  3. Are you afraid of heights?
  4. Are you healthy ?
  5. Do you smoke?
  6. Are you a good swimmer
  7. Do you like being alone?
  8. How are you feeling right now
  9. What is your fav colour? (This will not effect your score)
  10. Do u like riverdale (will not effect your score)

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