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Have you ever wondered how you would rule the galaxy? Take this quiz and find out! Go with your gut, don't second guess yourself, and have fun! There are no wrong answers! May the Force be with you!

From dictatorship to anarchy, the Star Wars galaxy and the real world has seen it all. Take this quiz to see how you would rule in the Star Wars galaxy.

Created by: HPurdy21
  1. How do you work best?
  2. Can you keep a secret?
  3. Introvert or Extrovert?
  4. How do you spend your free time?
  5. Pick a color:
  6. What do you value the most?
  7. Is there objective right and wrong?
  8. Pick a Star Wars Quote:
  9. If you could wish for one thing, what would it be?
  10. Night owl or early bird?
  11. How would you deal with a rebelling planet?
  12. You've been betrayed! How do you react?
  13. Do you have more friends or enemies?
  14. How do you break something difficult to a friend?

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