how will you die

there are many ways to die, and many ages to die at? what is death??? somting that happens to every one, somtims reffered to as the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when do you die??? why do you die??? do you live up to a ripe old age or die before you have properly begun??? until now you could only wonder. but thanks to this great quiz in just a few minutes you will find out

Created by: nicole
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you fear death
  2. pick a number
  3. what is your favirote food?
  4. pick a couler
  5. close your eyes and hold your breath for 7 seconds
  6. what does you name begin with
  7. SMILE!!!! did you?
  8. do you enjoy sex
  9. how many times have you had sex
  10. try not to cont up to ten in your head did you?

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Quiz topic: How will I die