What Future Diary Character are you

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Mirai Nikki is a manga about teens and people of other ages in a death match to rule over a new world there are many unique ones and this quiz wil tell you which one

So are ready to see what character awaits you and maybe give watching or reading a try this is a quiz with 12 questions and a few characters but i will update soo

Created by: Yomotsu Hirasaka of ARU AKISE
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you enjoy time by yourself ?
  2. What sexuality are you?
  3. When are you happy
  4. Who is your favourite character
  5. Do you like cookies*hand you one*
  6. WANNA be friends
  7. *smiles*
  8. How's that quiz
  9. What if I had a crush on u
  10. What would you rate this quiz(no marks)

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Quiz topic: What Future Diary Character am I