How WIERD are you? 0.0

The word wierd is often overused in our culture. A truly wierd person is different from the way we see it. Anyone thats wierd might be a bit creepy too....

But are YOU wierd??? This quiz will let you know. But I also cuss a bit so be careful.....this quiz was NOT intended for young children. sorry kids that sucks

Created by: Olivia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are at McDonalds. You...
  2. You see a cute stray kitten. You...
  3. You find ten bucks. You...
  4. Why are you on this website?
  5. You witness a car crash. What do you do next?
  6. (guys only) you see a girl with big boobs. You....
  7. You see a soccer ball. You...
  8. What is your favorite color?
  9. You see a poisonous snake headed toward a little girl. You...
  10. The doctor tells you you have laringitis. You....
  11. This quiz is almost over. How does that make you feel?
  13. This is the last question.

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Quiz topic: How WIERD am I? 0.0