How well you know Doctor who

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Hi guys this quizz is about the doctor from Dr who. It will see how well you know doctor who. It has small details in doctor who those who pay attention to the small details in doctor who will find it easier.

I hope everyone got what they wanted. Enjoyed yourself and learned more dt who lore .Just comment on how you guys found this quizz. And I will see you next time. If there is a next time.

Created by: H.A.Sayed
  1. How old is the 1st doctor
  2. Wich doctor knows karate
  3. Which doctor was seen with a sonic for the first time
  4. Which doctor wore a cat brooch
  5. Which doctor absorbs the time vortex
  6. The longest running doctor
  7. Which doctor is a manipulator
  8. Which doctor wears a bow tie
  9. Why did the doctor run away from Gallifrey
  10. And finally what was the doctor called in the academy in gallifrey.

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