Which Doctor Are You?

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Hi, this quiz is quite short and will as you questions that are related to doctor who the 9th, 10th, and 11th era and all have different things about them.

Ready to see which doctor you are? Are you the 9th? Sarcastic and comedic or are you the 10th? Witty, quite sad but over-excited sometimes. Or how about the 11th? Childish but smart?

Created by: mae
  1. Which do you prefer?
  2. Which catchphrase are you most likely to use?
  3. Who would you rather have as a companion?
  4. Which sonic screwdriver would you have?
  5. How old are you?
  6. Where do you work and as who?
  7. Who are your parents?
  8. Which alien would you fight?
  9. You're about to regenerate what are your last words?
  10. Who is your favorite doctor?

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Quiz topic: Which Doctor am I?
