How Well Would You Survive in Minecraft? | Comments

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  • I wish you put red stone as a main adjective, I'm a red stoner in training. Why my friends are building a base, mining diamond and iron, I mine gold, red stone, coal, lapis, and emerald(valuables that people take for granted.) Come up, and make a difficult trap for mobs to get by, and teach my friends how to use it. In pvp worlds, we go into creative mode and build bases in certain areas. I use command blocks to put if someone died in certain areas the message would be: demont3daniel burned at Stephen's Base. Why'll i go raid people using TNT cannons on their face. Last time I did I was against a MASTER builder, I broke into his thrown room, and let loose with a bow and fire arrows, I watered up, placed TNT, fell down, and shot it. After he went to the hole to repair it, I was already above the hole, shifting on a ladder, and just carelessly punched him off.

  • Seventy six percent chance of survival,it has been awhile sense I played Minecraft I do miss it a bit but I know the basics and how to beat the game. Cool quiz mate.

  • I would DEFINITELY survive minecraft

    Seawing kid
  • 91% BOOH YAH


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