How well would you fit into my friend group at school?

Howdy partner! I know this seems a little random, but do you want to know how well you fit in with my friend group? Just something to pass a little time by, when you're bored!

We're kind of a 'special bunch' you could say, or maybe we're outright crazy! Hope you don't mind just a HINT of weirdness...(that's an under exaggeration!)

Created by: Trinity
  1. Do you meme?
  2. How frequently do you meme?
  3. How well do you take insults?
  4. Do you have depression/ anxiety?
  5. Are you an emo or just hate life?
  6. Do you always seem to point out that you are an emo, have depression/anxiety or that you hate society?
  7. How seriously do you take things?
  8. Do you tend to start/ get into drama?
  9. Are you good with strangers?
  10. Finally, did you like the quiz?

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