How well do you understand text talk?

Do you know your text talk? Can you tell your ttyl from your brb? Take this quiz to find out!Maybe you DO know your text talk maybe you dont. Only one way to find out.

This is my 56th quiz. Yay for me! If you havent taken my other quizzes then plz do! Im so close to leveling up from a junior to i think an advanced or excperienced im not sure. But dont forget to comment rate and share.

Created by: ILuvHolister

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. U
  2. Nm
  3. OMG
  4. Rotfl
  5. TTYL
  6. WTF
  7. ;)
  8. These are used when..... :o :-O o_o O_O
  9. These are used for.... :@ :-# *_*
  10. IDK
  11. LoL
  12. BRB
  13. Txt
  14. Hbu

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Quiz topic: How well do I understand text talk?