How well do you REALLY know Wings of Fire?

This quiz test your knowledge on Wings of Fire or WOF. I think it’s hard, but that’s probably just me so sorry if it isn’t. Please don’t cheat, okay? Good luck!

Okay turns out I have to do a whole other paragraph so I’m just gonna spam this one you can start the quiz now. Sksjduccycycydyxycyycuguvuvucucucucucu

Created by: I is me
  1. What did Fathom and Indigo hide under while trying to get away from Albatross?
  2. How did Sunny know where Ivy and Leaf were?
  3. Which hive is generally the smartest?
  4. What was the name of Clearsights first BeetleWing husband?
  5. What does the Invincible Lord want with Wren?
  6. Who were the three Rainwings who died on the old NightWings island?
  7. Who is the grumpy flamesilk?
  8. What caused the Tree wars?
  9. Where was the old night kingdom? (Darkstalkers time)
  10. Who killed Ex-Queen Scarlet?

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Quiz topic: How well do I REALLY know Wings of Fire?
