how well do you know zac efron

what star do you know most about?zac efron,ashley tisdle,paris hilton,or miara carrie! well what ever one it is it doesn't matter.this is a quiz not for geniuses,or dummies but for people who love zac efron and know everything about enjoy

are you a genius or a dummie it doesn't matter.this quiz will tell you if you the best at it or the worst at it.take this quiz right now to find out whether you're a geniusor a dummie when it comes to zac efron

Created by: aliaha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. zac efron has how many brothers/sisters?
  2. in the movie HSM what's zac' name?
  3. does zac have a"k" in his first name?
  4. does zac have 2"f's'in his last name?
  5. does zac wear glasses?
  6. does zac have freckles?
  7. does zac star in musicals more or play basketball more?
  8. does zac like sharpy in HSM?
  9. does zac think that gabriella looks like a girl?
  10. in HSM what is zac's number on his basketball jersey

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Quiz topic: How well do I know zac efron