How Well do You Know Your Youtubers?

There are many people who claim to know youtubers, but are you the best? Take this quiz and find out! please remember to rate. See You at the end!!!!!!!

There are many people who claim to know youtubers, but are you the best? Take this quiz and find out! please remember to rate. See You at the end!!!!!!

Created by: Michael
  1. Which Youtuber Reviews Nerf guns and loves saying, "Tacti-Cool"?
  2. Which Youtuber hates chickens?
  3. Which Youtuber makes Philosphical and scientific videos with a sprinkle of humor?
  4. Which youtuber plays CoC and Clash Royale, and has a cat named Galaxy?
  5. Which YouTuber Plays minecraft,, and with his wife, and has a pet creeper named Bomby?
  6. Which youtuber has two brothers who constantly kill each other with Nerf Guns?
  7. Which Youtuber Posts ANimations about himself and wanted to be an architect?
  8. Which Youtubers feature Bowl Haircuts and Emo hair?
  9. Which Youtuber is actually just an animation called Blocky?
  10. Which Youtuber gives science animations with birds? (Hint:It has to do with Nuts.)

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know my Youtubers?