How well do you know your pop culture?

so you think you have what it takes to ace this quiz? well do you listen to every gossip show that exists? or you just plain know alot because ot takes those people to ace this quiz.

do you know your celebs and music or are you a meme master or your something else try this quiz and please rate it this is meh first one :) so give it a try and see what you get...

Created by: pokefan500
  1. Justin timberlakes initials are...
  2. Who sings fight song?
  3. The new star wars movie is...
  4. Pokemon go is ...
  5. Justin Beiber is...
  6. do you liek...
  7. Who plays Mark Watney in The Martian?
  8. Who played batman in batman vs superman?
  9. Who lives in Springfield?
  10. Apple has made everything exept...
  11. did you like this quiz? it is my first one

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my pop culture?