How well do you know your HTTYD dragons? HARD

Test you knowledge of dragons here! Enjoy yourself while taking this quiz and remember to keep studying dragons and have a nice day. All these questions are about How to Train Your Dragon

How well do you know your dragons? Are you are true fan? Do you have what it takes to be a dragon Rider? Find out here by taking this quiz. Please enjoy!

Created by: HTTYD fan
  1. What is the shot limit of a Gronckle?
  2. What class is the Deadly Nadder in?
  3. What are many dragons afraid of?
  4. Is a Scauldron trainable?
  5. What class is the Armorwing in?
  6. Which of these dragons eats eels?
  7. What is the average wingspan of a Hideous Zippleback?
  8. How much does the average Razorwhip weigh?
  9. Is the Speed Stinger trainable?
  10. What is the average wingspan of a Terrible Terror?
  11. What dragon can camouflage and sprays acid?
  12. How old is Toothless in the first movie?
  13. What is the shot limit of a Monstrous Nightmare?
  14. What is the average wingspan of a Whispering Death?
  15. How many legs does the Timberjack have?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my HTTYD dragons? HARD
