How well do you know your horse!!!

you have that dream of having a horse of your own or your the lucky one and she/he's all yours this quiz can tell you stuff you sont want to tell your-self.

in this quiz you'll find out how well you know your horse and you'll find out whether or not your on top with intelligents when it comes to bad situations.

Created by: Sarah
  1. when you get to the barn and you notice your horse laying down you
  2. you are going to get your horse form the pasture and it walkd into the herd you
  3. your jumping in the ring and your horse freaks out you...
  4. your grooming your horse outside when he tries to bit you...
  5. your instructor tells you to cool him out but you notice he's not sweating you...
  6. your riding and your sturrip feels loose you...
  7. your horse is breathing really weirdly after you ride so you...
  8. your horses gait feels off so you...
  9. you go to a show but your horse doesnt feel well you...
  10. your thinking distracted bc of family issues when your instructor tells you you're riding a new horse you...

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my horse!!!
