How well do you know your EPL teams nicknames

How well do you know your EPL teams nicknames. This quiz will tell you. These 11 questions will rattle your brain! Let's see how you do. Tell your friends.

If you get 90% or over that gives you bragging rights! Some of the teams nicknames arent even in the EPL. Lets see if your a nickname master. Very few have gotten 100%.

Created by: Zavi
  1. Burley nickname
  2. Everton nickname
  3. Totenham nickname
  4. Arsenal nickname
  5. Brightons nickname
  6. Moracambes nickname ( Not in EPL )
  7. Newcastles nickname
  8. Liverpool nickname
  9. West ham nickname
  10. Man U nickname
  11. Bayern Munich Nickname ( Bundasliga )

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my EPL teams nicknames
