how well do you know you are loved?

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there are many smart people and thank God am one of them i first of all thank the almighty God for helping me and secondly my phone.Anyway i say thank you to all the people who will undertake my quiz God bless you all i love you guys very much words can't even describe it.Thank you

I know you are a genius you yes u not believe me?if you don't then undertake my quiz and let's see if you score between 70 and 100 you clap for yourself if you don't,keep trying you don't know what will happen

Created by: jasmine mea
  1. would you propose to a guy?
  2. would you ask a guy if he loves you?
  3. would you buy things for him?
  4. would you kiss him?
  5. would have s*x with him?
  6. would you go on a date with him?
  7. what would you do if you had to spend the night with him?
  8. would you marry him?
  9. would u prefer a male or a female baby?
  10. how many kids?
  11. would you like a set of twins?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know you are loved?