How well do you know wof (from books 1-12)?

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(This picture made me laugh so hard lol). Hey everyone I'm Quizzy's oc Avalanche. I'm a ice/sky hybrid. Anyway these are questions based off books 1-12 since Quizzy haven't read books 13-15 yet.

Also, she wanted me to tell you that it's her sisters birthday and she's really tired so that's why she couldn't come. Anyway, have fun with this quiz!

Created by: Quizuser
  1. Where did the dragonets of destiny live?
  2. Who tried to kill Tsunami?
  3. Who is Glory's brother?
  4. Does starlight's dad where glasses?
  5. Who is Sunny's mother?
  6. What ancient nightwing powers does Moon have?
  7. Who did Winter find in the diamond trials?
  8. What does Chameleon give Peril to stop her firescales?
  9. What did turtle enchant to hide him from Dalkstaker?
  10. What did Qibli use to summon thunder?
  11. What is Blue?
  12. Who is Crickets mother?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know wof (from books 1-12)?
