How well do you know wings of fire

This is just a simple test on wings of fire So I hope you enjoy it and enjoy all the things I Have written inside it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I do really hope you have a fun time!

As another paragraph I'm hoping that yes you will enjoy this but that you will get 100%Cause it is pretty easy And if you get 0 I am so sorry but you have not read wings of fire!

Created by: Emmy
  1. How many books are there
  2. Who's the main character in the 3rd book
  3. What do they find in book #11
  4. What's moon's superpower In the 6th book On
  5. Who is peril's father
  6. Who is Glory's mother
  7. What are humans called
  8. How did Anemone become an animus
  9. How did peril get her fire Scales
  10. How did Clay get full fire resistance
  11. How much did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: How well do I know wings of fire
