Wings Of Fire! Hybrid, Trybrid or One?

I’m so excited to make my Third Wings of Fire quiz!! I actually made this quiz outside in the rain…. My screen got soaked but it was still fun. I went inside to write this though.

Hopefully you know what Wings of Fire is… if you don’t this probably isn’t something you should do seeing it spoils in one of the answers… but I hope you enjoy. But also please remember this is my opinion.

Created by: MoonSlayer3162
  1. Favorite Harry Potter Character?
  2. Favorite Animal?
  3. Favorite Book?
  4. Favorite Disney Princess
  5. Favorite Movie?
  6. Favorite Activity?
  7. Why did you take this quiz?
  8. Which do you not want to be?
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. Goodbye. Don’t forget, have a wonderful day!

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