How well do you know Wings Of Fire?

In this Quiz you will find out if you are a true Wings Of Fire fan. There are ten questions. For example, Who is the Queen of The Mudwings? Here is more examples,

Another Example is who is Blues sister? Or who is Starflights Sibling? Who are Clays Sibs? What is A Bigwing? I hope you enjoy the quiz! I worked hard on it!

Created by: Ariah
  1. What is another way to say Wings Of Fire?
  2. Who is Starflights Sibling?
  3. Who is the Silkwings Queen as of The Lost Continent?
  4. Who is the Queen of the Sandwings as of the Sandwing Succession?
  5. What year did Darkness Of Dragons Come out?
  6. Who is the Queen of the Mudwings?
  7. Which of these is Darkstalkers Tailsman?
  8. Which Hive does Blue live in as of The Lost Continent?
  9. What Dragons are born Wingless?
  10. What is the name of Glorys Sloth?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Wings Of Fire?
