How well do you know WINGS OF FIRE?

This is a knowledge test that tests your skill on the first 2 arcs of Wings of Fire. Answer the questions right, and your reward will be nothing, Congrats!

I, personally, have not read the 3rd arc yet, but might continue to update with questions once I have read the 3rd arc, so look out for more, WOF fanatic!

Created by: DABOOOO
  1. In Book 1, Clay and the rest of the dragonets of destiny get captured by Queen Scarlet. Clay also meets the queen's champion, who later befriends all of them (besides Tsunami). Her name is:
  2. In Book 2, Tsunami meets her mother, Queen Coral for the first time. Which dragonet fell behind the rest of the dragonets of destiny, and arrived just before Queen Coral met Tsunami?
  3. In book 3, which dragon did Glory fight to become Queen?
  4. In Book 4, what disability does Starflight gain after the volcanic incident that killed Morrowseer? He becomes...
  5. Which queen survived the SandWing War of Succession?
  6. What power/s does Moonwatcher possess?
  7. True or false? Cliff accidentally kills Queen Scarlet
  8. Who gave animus powers to Anemone?
  9. Turtle has animus powers. We know that. But what happens to his powers at the end of the 9th book?
  10. What happened to Darkstalker at the end of the 10th book?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know WINGS OF FIRE?
