How well do you know wings of fire

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Hi it's me again I'm back with another quiz!Btw the best tribe is the rain wings or ice wings, They are really cool. I hope you like the quiz!!! I'm very proud of my self.

sorry about the ! Points I just had to have 150 letters anyway hope you enjoy and keep reading wings of fire! My favorite ship is either bliket or play play is peril and clay and bliket is blue and cricket.

Created by: Lena
  1. Ok this one is easy who are the dragonets of destiny?
  2. How did the dragonets of destiny escape queen scarlet's arena?
  3. What happened during the 2nd book?
  4. Who became the sand wing queen at the end of the 5th book?
  5. Which tribe is the most excited?
  6. Which tribe is the most arrogant?
  7. Which tribe is the most secretive?
  8. Which tribe is the most loyal
  9. Which tribe is the scariest? (This is my opinion)
  10. Which tribe is the best (I said this in the first paragraph)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know wings of fire
