How well do you know Twilight: Breaking Dawn?

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Hey guys! Let’s see how much you know the book Twilight: Breaking Dawn. If you haven’t read the books already, do, please! Thanks in advance, and have fun!

I just need to fill in the space, right? So, quizzes are awfully hard to make. If you intend to comment, please talk about quiz making too. *sigh, yawn*

  1. What was the biggest issue, or realization in the entire story, both part one and part two?
  2. Which vampire was very unwillingly at Bella and Edward’s wedding in the movie, and wasn’t even there in the books?
  3. Which werewolf came unwillingly in both the movies and the books?
  4. Which friend did Bella say she would miss the most when Edward changed her, in the beginning of the story?
  5. Which boy name did Bella choose for her baby, Renesmee Carlie Cullen?
  6. Where do Edward and Bella decide to spend spend their not-so-romantic little honeymoon?
  7. The housekeepers in Esme’s summer house are named Kaure and…
  8. What does Kaure suspect about Edward, but doesn’t know for certain until he leaves?
  9. How does Bella describe her vampire face in Alice’s mirror?
  10. Why is Jacob mad at Bella in the end of her wedding, when he arrives?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Twilight: Breaking Dawn?
