How well do you know Twilight?

There are millions of books out there. But none of them have captured teen hearts quite like Twilight, from the offices of Stephanie Meyer. To be a true Twilight fan, you have to remeber every slice of info from the book.

Do YOU have what it takes? Do you know the difference between The Cullens and the Blacks? What a mystery it is. Take this quiz and in a matter of minutes, you will know just how obsessed with Twilight you are.

Created by: K

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is the main character?
  2. What creature is Edward Cullen?
  3. Who are Edward's brothers and sisters?
  4. Where is it set?
  5. What is Bella's father's job?
  6. What happens when vampires go out into the sunlight?
  7. Where does Jacob Black live?
  8. Do you love Twilight?
  9. What order were the books released in?
  10. Why did Dr Cullen turn Edward into a vampire?
  11. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Twilight?