How well do you know the warriors?

This Quiz is about warrior cats. Please only take this quiz if you know about warrior cats! Please! I have had so many people take a quiz knowing nothing.

Are You A warrior cat fan? Put your brain to the test, Become a Warrior, and maybe even get some tips! Hey, did i tell you That your awesome? Try it!

Created by: Dovepaw
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who was the leader with a flame-like pelt?
  2. What leader has a blue-ish pelt?
  3. Who is Dovepaw?
  4. who was Bluestar
  5. What is warrior cats?
  6. Which one of these is a clan
  7. which is a cat in the book?
  8. What happened in the start of, "Warrior cats, into the wild" ?
  9. What animals do the cats catch?
  10. Which one of these is a warrior cats book?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the warriors?