Do you know your Warrior cat books?

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There are many who think they know everything about WArriors, but the truth is, they probably don't. Do you think you have what it takes? I sure hope you do!

Take this quiz to find out how much of a TRUE Warriors fan you are. If you're a 100, comment and tell me! I'd like to know how many people are TRUE Warriors fans!

Created by: Jessica of Wolf Play Game
(your link here more info)
  1. How many ranks are there?
  2. How many clans are there?
  3. Who ends up leader at the end of the whole series?
  4. How many series are there?
  5. Who is Firestar's mate?
  6. Are Cinderheart and Lionblaze mates at the end?
  7. Who did Breezepelt kill?
  8. Who are Greystripe's mates?
  9. Who killed Breezepelt?
  10. How many kits does Greystripe have over all?

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Quiz topic: Do I know my Warrior cat books?