How well do you know the Warrior Cat series?

Hello! If you are reading this... This is a quiz about one of my favorite book series, it is called Warrior cats! If you haven't read all the books this might be difficult but you are free to try. This is my first quiz and I am new to this website so please don't hate! After all haters gonna hate! XD enjoy the quiz! ☺

Can you pass my quiz? Most of the questions are about Firestar, Prophecy cats, and Skyclan. So get yo books and get ready to study! Good luck and thanks for reading!

Created by: HowlToHeart

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What was the original name of Firestar
  2. Who was Firestar's best friend
  3. Who were the two Riverclan cats who went with Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight to sun-drown place?
  4. Who were the three destined cats?
  5. Who was Jayfeather's original mentor?
  6. What was the original name of Sharpclaw, the Skyclan deputy?
  7. What special ability did Yellowfang have?
  8. How did Hollyleaf die?
  9. Why did Firestar join Thunderclan?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Warrior Cat series?