How well do you know The Vampire Diaries Season 1?

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How much information do you know on season one of The Vampire Diaries? Do you know Who Jeremy's first girlfriend was? Do you know who almost killed Aunt Jenna?

Characters like Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Jeremy Gilbert, Aunt Jenna, and even Isobel appear on this quiz of season one. have you memorized season one at all?

Created by: tvdfann1217
  1. Who did Elena meet first?
  2. Who was Jeremy's first Girlfriend?
  3. Who was and is Stefan's girl bestfriend?
  4. What is Elena's mother's name?
  5. Who really killed Vicky?
  6. Who was the first important person that Jeremy lost?
  7. Do you like TVD?
  8. What was the famous line Damon said?
  9. Who almost killed Aunt Jenna?
  10. When did Aunt Jenna die?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know The Vampire Diaries Season 1?
