How Well Do You Know the Shaytards

This is a quiz about a YouTube Family, they're called the Shaytards. I want to see how smart you can be to know all about this family. If you get all correct your a true and huge fan

Do you have the power to not use the Internet and just use your knowledge and try to press to correct answer? I hope you don't use the internet to cheat

Created by: Cathy Pham
  1. How many members are in the family?
  2. Which persons tard name is BabyTard
  3. Which celebrity did Emmi sing at her school talent show?
  4. Which person is mostly obsessed with watermelons?
  5. How old is Gavin?
  6. Finish the quote
  7. Name the kids In order (Biggest to Smallest)
  8. Who is Nannytard in Californa
  9. Did someone in the family make an family album?
  10. Who has natural black hair

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know the Shaytards