do you know the shaytards

I love the shaytards! And i know very much about them... And i wanted to make a quiz for them and maybe to see that if your a true shaytards fan... DONT YOU WANT TO KNOW?

Now i come in this site a lot for quizzes, and maybe make my own, which i did:)Guys watch shaytards after this:) Also this quiz should be VERY EASY! SO YA:)

Created by: Kathy
  1. What are the kids real names?
  2. How old is Shay? (the dad) duh....
  3. How many siblings does shay have?
  4. Shay has done the vlogs for now..
  5. How are you liking this quiz so far?
  6. Steve and Carlie date.. Are they still dating?
  7. The Shaytards family are..
  8. What grade is Avia in?
  9. Shays best friend on youtube is...
  10. What grade is Rocktard in?
  11. Shay now lives in..
  12. How did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Do I know the shaytards