How well do you know The Search For WondLa?

In Tony Ditzerlizzi's famous or not book , the Search for WondLa, Eva Nine's sanctuary is destroyed by a ruthless huntsman. She must search the surface for humans!!

How well do you know this book? Did you read it? Or click random buttons. This quiz will show how WondLa are YOU!Besteel might kill you, or the worse Sand Snipers!

Created by: Hypergriff

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. First, who is Rovender Kitt?
  2. Who destroyed the sanctuary?
  3. What is a sand sniper?
  4. Who is the brother of Arius?
  5. If a sand sniper attacks, you
  6. What on Orbona is Otto?
  7. Is voxfruit poisonous?
  8. An example of a dorcean is...
  9. Who lives in Lacus?
  10. Is Otto an alien?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know The Search For WondLa?